QTIS Skincare Shop. Medical and cosmetical products from Europe

We Love The Art Of Care

With decades of experience in the field of wound care, our company Qtis skincare has gained profound insights that the key to successful wound healing lies in a comprehensive approach. Three central elements are at the forefront, influencing not only the outcomes but also the well-being of all involved: human warmth, expertise, and tailored products.

The impact of this integrative approach on patients, caregivers, family members, and doctors is diverse. Patients experience faster recovery and enhanced quality of life. Caregivers can work more efficiently and effectively, while family members and doctors have confidence that their loved ones or patients are receiving the best possible care.

Overall, our decades of experience demonstrate that the combination of human warmth, expertise, and tailored products has a sustainable impact on modern wound care, contributing to a significant and lasting improvement in the quality of life for those affected.

Human warmth

The significance of human warmth in wound care is not just a phrase for us at Qtis; it is a guiding principle. Our extensive experience has demonstrated that interpersonal connection has a significant impact on the mental and physical recovery of patients. Compassionate interactions, attentive caregivers, and support from family members create an atmosphere of trust and comfort that effectively promotes the healing process in a lasting way.


The continuous pursuit of expertise is an essential component of our philosophy at Qtis. Through years of research and development, we have not only gained a deep understanding of the complexity of various wounds but also expertise in applying the latest medical knowledge. Our caregivers and doctors are equipped with up-to-date expertise to ensure the best possible care—whether it be in diagnosis, therapy selection, or the utilization of cutting-edge technologies.

Specialized Knowledge

The realization that not all wounds are the same has led us at Qtis to develop products that are individually tailored to the needs of each patient. Custom wound dressings, specific bandages, and innovative materials allow for a precise adaptation to each unique situation. These tailored products not only contribute to effective wound healing but also minimize the risk of complications.

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